Roommate Living: Your Food, Kitchen, and Sanity


Though dishes are 90% of the issue, cleaning goes deeper than washing your coffee cup. In every kitchen, there are counters to wipe, floors to mop, and microwaves to liberate of caked spaghetti sauce. If this is left to one person - or worse, not done at all – things will very messy, both dirt-wise and relationship-wise.
  • How quickly will you have your dishes done? Will you split the responsibility? How?
  • How often will you light clean (counters, sweeping, etc.) the kitchen? Who will take care of this?
  • How often will you deep clean (oven, refrigerator, etc.) the kitchen? Who will take care of this?
  • Who will take out the garbage? How will you handle recycling?
  • Who will take care of repair issues as they come up? Are you handy? Will you be the point person for the landlord?
  • Who will keep track of and replace cleaning tools (Lysol, sponges, etc.)?
  • Should you create a cleaning schedule?
If you address all of these questions up front and periodically revisit them through the course of your cohabitation, you and your roommates/loved ones can enjoy a sparkling, relatively stress-free household. What’s more, you can apply the concepts to almost every shared room in the house, whether it’s the den or the shed you use to make illegal moonshine.

Readers, what about you? Do you have any roommate rules to follow, especially in the kitchen? How about horror stories? You know we loves us some o’ those guys.

Feeling Lucky Singapore Number at this Wednesday

HI.... My Name is Deny Stooe
What is Your Feeling Lucky Singapore Number at this Wednesday
My feeling Number is 6742 For Today What About you???

4D Draw Results - wednesday
Draw Today
Draw Number 8564

1st Prize 2564
2nd Prize 8647
3rd Prize 4650

Starter Prizes
1877 2202 6074 7693 7775
7821 8303 8995 9406 9798

Consolation Prizes
2898 7854 1112 4502 4697
5183 5990 6576 7264 8635

House Of ToTo's Predictions Results

For Set C:
4184 - First Prize (I)

Legend : I - iBet/System, D - Direct (I)

Singapore Feeling Lucky Thursday

What is Your Feeling Lucky Singapore Number at this Wednesday
My feeling Number is 65 For Today What About you???

4D Draw Results - Sunday
Draw Today
Draw Number 8564

1st Prize 2564
2nd Prize 8647
3rd Prize 4650

Starter Prizes
1877 2202 6074 7693 7775
7821 8303 8995 9406 9798

Consolation Prizes
2898 7854 1112 4502 4697
5183 5990 6576 7264 8635

House Of ToTo's Predictions Results

For Set C:
4184 - First Prize (I)

Legend : I - iBet/System, D - Direct (I)

Singapore Feeling Lucky Wednesday

What is Your Feeling Lucky Singapore Number at this Wednesday
My feeling Number is 65 For Today What About you???

4D Draw Results - Sunday
Draw Today
Draw Number 8564

1st Prize 2564
2nd Prize 8647
3rd Prize 4650

Starter Prizes
1877 2202 6074 7693 7775
7821 8303 8995 9406 9798

Consolation Prizes
2898 7854 1112 4502 4697
5183 5990 6576 7264 8635

House Of ToTo's Predictions Results

For Set C:
4184 - First Prize (I)

Legend : I - iBet/System, D - Direct (I)

Singapore Feeling Lucky Sunday

What is Your Feeling Lucky Singapore Number at this sunday
My feeling Number is 55 For Today What About you???

4D Draw Results - Sunday
Draw Today
Draw Number 3289

1st Prize 2564
2nd Prize 8647
3rd Prize 4650

Starter Prizes
1877 2202 6074 7693 7775
7821 8303 8995 9406 9798

Consolation Prizes
2898 7854 1112 4502 4697
5183 5990 6576 7264 8635

House Of ToTo's Predictions Results

For Set C:
4184 - First Prize (I)

Legend : I - iBet/System, D - Direct (I)

Sydney Number Of Healthy

Sydney Number Of Healthy. Health and well-being in aging is much more than medical care. Labor, environment, lifestyle, and other social factors have an important impact on health, productivity and welfare of the elderly. Aging of our multidisciplinary work, and the Health Research Unit led by Professor Page Kendig, an internationally recognized expert on health, social and policy aspects of aging and the Centenary Medal recipients for "outstanding service to nursing care and healthy aging research."

Professor Kendig brings together a team of leading researchers such as Professor Deborah Black, Professor Philip Bohle, Associate Professor Lindy Clemson and Dr Kate O'Loughlin, with support from a large cohort of postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.

Deal with the issue of research groups from different angles and through the unit of work ranging from sociology to the field of gerontology, biostatistics, medical and allied health.

This unit works in partnership with government, professional and community organizations to explore new ideas and implement policies in specific areas of health. Through research and commentary, staff participate in national and international public forum and contribute to major organs such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Seniors Australia, and state and federal government regulations.

Professor Hal Kendig

Director, Ageing, Work and Health Research Unit

T +61 2 9351 9049

E website

Singapore World Health Day 2011

The theme for this year is Antimicrobial Resistance: "no action today means no cure tomorrow".

The statement by Dr Margaret Chan (WHO Director-General) can be found here, while the WHO's policy recommendations are available for download or viewing here. In brief:
  1. Commit to a comprehensive, financed national plan with accountability and civil society engagement.
  2. Strengthen surveillance and laboratory capacity.
  3. Ensure uninterrupted access to essential medicines of assured quality.
  4. Regulate and promote rational use of medicines.
  5. Enhance infection prevention and control.
  6. Foster innovation and research & development for new tools.
Tan Tock Seng Hospital held an exhibition at its atrium from 5th April until today. The details - including an online pamphlet - are available here.

8 ways to cure your acne naturally and easily

Acne is a very painful and embarrassing. It's easy to feel that you have no control over the button. if there is too much sebum, dead skin cells on the skin too much or something on the surface that blocks their way out of the follicle may occur at a standstill. Bacteria following the party, and the result is acne vulgaris, the most common form of acne. If you are looking for a fast and easy to find to cure acne, look no further! Here are some simple things you can do today to begin is for you to cure your acne.

A. First, the most annoying and bad acne is pus and debris trapped within the pores. Raw juice (green) papaya helps prevent swelling and the formation of pus immediately. Use fruit juice, seeds and white facial skin to remove and leave your skin clear and beautiful.

2. You should wash your face twice a day with a sulfur based soap for acne develops. Once when you wake up in the morning and then, right before bed at night. Be especially gentle on the skin when washing - do not scrub or use any type of heavy cloth.

3. Acne occurs because the dirt is only dirt on the surface of the skin but also in the body as well. Therefore, a healthy diet for five days to help cleanse the body from the inside, where you can eat vegetables, fruits and water. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which helps because the colon free of toxins and rid the colon of acne.

4. The hand is the main tool of the organization interact directly with the world around us. There are many things about being embarrassed, but the world is very dirty. Sweat, dirt and oil again (and no, bacteria and virus) from person to person through the use of commonly used surfaces such as doorknobs, desks and store gas processing station pumps. In vain, to touch your face at some point must have occurred throughout the day, try to wash their hands throughout the day.

5. Garlic juice and water. Take the garlic cloves around 3 or 4 raw garlic, peeled and finely chopped and soaked in milk for half an hour to remove the smell. Then apply the mixture on your acne, and disappeared.

6. Keep your hair back - If you have long hair or facial hair attractive horse. Your hair contains oils as well, and help your acne. You can also wash your hair every day, and after training. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.

7. Stress can invite your skin to produce oil, so that all who relieves stress (take a yoga class, for example) break. Work back to the level of hormonal fluctuations, which reduces the production of sebum in the follicle.

8. Rosehip oil is a medicinal herb that has amazing results in treating acne. This is useful in the treatment of sun damaged skin and eliminate acne scars and wrinkles. This is because it has anti-aging. A few drops of oil should be massaged in the field of acne on the face.

Singapore Number Of Healthy

A repeat
Ask him to slowly repeat number. It gives your brain time to share, the figure into smaller pieces and make connections with a number in your memory.

Second divide
Do not think about the number of individuals, such as your mind needs more material to help you remember the long run. Decomposes it into two, three-or four-digit chunks.

Third connect
Connect the digits to the number you already know. For example, if "2512" to think on the set of numbers, of Christmas.

4th speak
Repeat the number back to him, but you do not like an idiot. Tell him to try a new memory techniques, because you really do not want to forget the number. Hard to things when memorizing a speech, say, create a strong memory, said Colin MacLeod, a psychologist. "It can improve memory performance by 10 to 17 percent."

5th visualize
"Dial" imaginary number on the keyboard. You may change the order of motor skills better than you have to remember to do on an individual number.

Singapore Feeling Lucky Today?

What is Your Feeling Lucky Singapore Number Today?
My feeling Number is 34 For Today What About you???
Are you Live in Singapore??? if you live in singapore where u live?

4D Draw Results - Today
Draw Today
Draw Number 3289

1st Prize 4184
2nd Prize 1266
3rd Prize 4650

Starter Prizes
1877 2202 6074 7693 7775
7821 8303 8995 9406 9798

Consolation Prizes
0721 2398 4132 4280 4697
5183 5990 6576 7264 8903

House Of ToTo's Predictions Results

For Set C:
4184 - First Prize (I)

Legend : I - iBet/System, D - Direct (I)

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