Harry Potter Remake 2011 Time to talk about how they’re gonna remake the Harry Potter movies. Details are hushed on whether it will be a prequel about Harry’s parents before the boy wizard was born or if they’re just going to remake Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone.
In case you think you’ve missed some major breaking news, I guess I should say that no announcements have been made outside of my imagination, but everybody knows it’s going to happen.
According to SkyMoviesHD, franchise star Daniel Radcliffe told Empire Magazine:
“I will be sad to finish the series, but I will feel a great sense of achievement when I finish the film ’cause it will be the longest shoot I will probably ever do in my career. And hopefully we’ll all stay in touch. We’ll probably all play teachers in the remakes in 30 years.”
Image via Wikipedia
Talk about financial security. How sweet is that? Radcliffe’s already got enough money to buy Prince William’s kidneys, but even if he somehow blows all that cash over the next three decades he can still just take a role as an aging professor in the revamped Potter series.
But why wait 30 years? They’re already talking about messing with some of my beloved 90s movies, and the first Harry Potter film was made way back in 2001. That’s a decade ago! With attention spans shorter than ever these days, most teenagers will soon forget they ever saw a movie about a young boy with magical powers that wasn’t called The Wizard.
I recently asked a current teenager what they thought about shortening attention spans. He had this to say:
When I followed up about whether or not enough time has passed for a remake of the Harry Potter movies, he forgot his name and wet his pants.
So as you can see from my exhaustive research, the time is clearly now for a remake of these cherished movie treasures. That means we need to cast this sucker quick.
So I put it to you, dear reader. If the Harry Potter movies were launching next year, who would you cast in the key roles? Get creative.
Copy and past this list in your comment, replacing my ideas with whatever character suggestions you’d like to make.
Harry Potter–Michael Cera
Hermione–Mila Kunis (Why not? She’s in everything else)
Ron Weasley–Seth Green
Hagrid–Hugh Laurie (But only if he acts like Dr. House)
Dumbledore–Andy Samberg
Lord Voldemort–Charlie Sheen (This just makes sense)
Severus Snape–Colin Firth (And I’m not going for any kind of reaction here at all)
Bellatric Lestrange–Jessica Biel
Malfoy–Tom Cruise
Another character I don’t know about because I’m not as psycho knowledgeable about the Harry Potter franchise as Tyler Tarver some people–